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      The taste for learning is intertwined with my existence and with being a woman


    Being a woman in Portugal at the age of 52, in a totally atypical pandemic context, perhaps showed the multiplicity of life structures that were changing. The closeness of the family that often allowed grandmothers to stay with their grandchildren.


   Working almost in house when working close to home, being a domestic worker, or simply finding solutions within the couple, which, not so rarely, has caused and still causes women to give up their professional life to take care of their children. children. Also, so many men have insisted that we, women, work side by side with them, in our professional lives, finding solutions with us to embrace academic and professional life.


  This is demonstrated by the growing percentage of women in higher education (embracing mathematics, physics, engineering, law, medicine,...) and in the job market, occupying senior positions, nationally and internationally.


    I know there is still a lot to do, but analyzing my own life path I can consider myself a successful woman (safeguarding, of course, in the context and reality that is mine). I went to school! Think carefully about the magnitude of these words! 52 years ago, having cerebral palsy was a daunting and Herculaneum challenge for any parent.


     Maybe this way, I will be able to convey the impact that my parents had and have on my life. Their choice, dedication, determination, love makes me part of the educated women of this world!


     Sorry, it is with a tear in the corner of my eye that I write these words. Study, learn, play, live, grow and develop with different but unique colleagues. Odd why? Because what has no peer is unique, compared to nothing.


   I was amazed, when in the preparatory cycle my mother took me to Colégio Andaluz and my classmates helped me climb stairs, carry a walker, in the cafeteria, in the bathroom, at recess (where I jumped rope and elastic, imagine !) Here are the heroes of so many exploits!

Classmates at Colégio Andaluz

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     My entire school and academic career was guided by demands, but by mutual help from colleagues, teachers and school staff that allowed me to access, according to my specificities, the academic world in its own right.


    To you Luísa Gomes, Fernando Godinho, Nuno Pena, Célia, Graça Figueiredo, Carla Barbosa, Lucília, Gonçalo Eloy an ovation, for, together with my parents, making it possible to go, access, experience, sow and harvest.

Gabriela Serrão, Helena Santos, Isabel Ramos, Pedro Raposeira
Fellow IEFP Trainers in Santarém

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    Professionally speaking, as an independent worker, training through CAP, IEFP, NERSANT, MPV Consultores, FORDIS, has always ensured conditions where I could put my knowledge and skills at the service of trainees.


      There are so many Training Center Directors, Coordinators, fellow Trainers and Trainees to whom I am grateful, for standing shoulder to shoulder with male and female colleagues, always attentive to making that room more accessible, available to me, in the great book of intangible aspects of human relationships, all the details that make me part of a family and at home.


      Yes, in Santarém I found people who, with me, my parents and them, make and make it possible for me to be an active, contributing woman, fulfilled in the world of work.

    Socially, I met people, family, acquaintances and friends, who created opportunities for me to experience unforgettable moments in diving, bodyboarding, socializing, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, gymnastics, traveling,… and at home, where I have a wife, my mother, Maria Celeste Duarte Faria and a man, my father, José Francisco Pereira Faria, who, complementing each other, made me a person who loves being a woman and life and who believes that more than just being a man and a woman, placing the heart of the matter in gender, a mere effect, it is necessary to work on the person, the family, the contexts, so that regardless of gender, the person and their context are considered and the causes that make it impossible to experience the full self, giving life to the its singular and unique identity.​

And because I am a woman, you mother… the lap of my world.

If a mother had been a daily experience with you and your examples, motherhood would be an act of love as vast as life itself.


     All the tabs that appear added to this show the evidence and personal, professional and social recognition of life stages, where from 1992 to 1998 I attended the Human Resources Management Degree at ISLA in Santarém, where I had such extraordinary colleagues that they organized a I canvassed traders and teachers and offered me a light alloy chair, very expensive for my financial resources at the time, which is still an extension of my person today and accompanies me everywhere.


      Thanks to them, teachers, administrative staff, Management,…, I had a very happy academic life and was the best student ever at the institution (at the time of the facts).

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      At IPAM I attended a postgraduate course in Talent and Skills Management which changed my perspective on what it means to manage people, focusing on skills and their development to improve the cost/benefit ratio, people performance and organizational performance and o return on investment.


      Like it or not, we don't see people, in terms of management reality, as a resource that has to make institutions profitable and contribute to profits, showing differentiation, they don't care about contributing to their well-being and skills development by not transferring to the job.


      25 years as an independent worker allows me to say that institutions do not exist to do charity, that employment for life is on the verge of extinction and that it is up to us to take advantage of every opportunity that arises to evolve in terms of academic training and acquisition of new skills.


      It was and is what I have done, with the MBA being an example of the opportunity to win a scholarship at FULBRIGHT and allowed for skills to be recognised, validated and certified, moving up another academic level.


     My entire journey as a trainee, from the initial pedagogical training course for trainers, attended at CNEMA, promoted and administered by CAP, was my launching pad into this admirable world of training, where I swim for and with passion.


     All the remaining training courses Moodle, E-Trainer, Training Coordination and Management and, now, Training of Trainers are living proof that learning is and must be a way of life, an addiction that contaminates body and mind and gives rise to emotions that allow us to carry memories for life.


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My indefatigable profissional career and the unshakable adventurous spirit.

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