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To talk about projects is to talk about life. Life shapes, shapes, designs, influences. For as long as I can remember I've been involved in projects. As an example, I leave the certificate proving the second place obtained in a wheelchair race in South Africa.
In Portugal I got involved in the project of participating in the Physics Olympiad, in the 9th grade, having with my colleagues Cláudia Campos and Natália Antunes, represented our school in the regionals.
I was also an integral member of the Rio Maior Delegation of the Portuguese Association of the Disabled and I participate in several lectures as a motivational speaker. But in the sub-tabs you will be able to read about the three extra-professional projects that I want to highlight that, in some way, touch on the theme of sport, disability and the challenge of the laws of physics, giving shape to Barack Obama's campaign phrase: "Yes, we can."
With regard to professional projects, I think that the website and what you see on it, in terms of images, texts, supporting documents,..., gives a glimpse of their versatility and the resources I produced, being the base document for validating this module the “Trainer Profile,” present in the professional path tab.
As John Fitzgerald Kennedy said: “Ask not what America can do for you, but what you can do for America.”
In this paradigm, I seek to contribute to the evolution of my country! Portugal, always with Africa in its soul!
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