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     To talk about projects is to talk about life. Life shapes, shapes, designs, influences. For as long as I can remember I've been involved in projects. As an example, I leave the certificate proving the second place obtained in a wheelchair race in South Africa.

2nd Place
Wheelchair Racing

      In Portugal I got involved in the project of participating in the Physics Olympiad, in the 9th grade, having with my colleagues Cláudia Campos and Natália Antunes, represented our school in the regionals.

Physics Olympiad

     I was also an integral member of the Rio Maior Delegation of the Portuguese Association of the Disabled and I participate in several lectures as a motivational speaker. But in the sub-tabs you will be able to read about the three extra-professional projects that I want to highlight that, in some way, touch on the theme of sport, disability and the challenge of the laws of physics, giving shape to Barack Obama's campaign phrase: "Yes, we can."

       With regard to professional projects, I think that the website and what you see on it, in terms of images, texts, supporting documents,..., gives a glimpse of their versatility and the resources I produced, being the base document for validating this module the “Trainer Profile,” present in the professional path tab.

        As John Fitzgerald Kennedy said: “Ask not what America can do for you, but what you can do for America.”

       In this paradigm, I seek to contribute to the evolution of my country! Portugal, always with Africa in its soul!

APD Declaration

Come explore
My indefatigable profissional career and the unshakable adventurous spirit.

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