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        Vocational education is gradually being seen as a learning system for the present and the future. It is trained for practice based on knowledge. It is formed to improve work processes, accompanied by a change in behaviors and attitudes, because instability, uncertainty, chaos and lack of knowledge, or lack of answers is part of today.


      Chaos leads to action, to make many decisions without much time to think, because there is high turbulence, no cause-and-effect relationship and no right response.

Learning to learn and learning to do, by doing, knowing the process, producing results. In my opinion, an entire society is impoverished when getting your hands dirty, trial and error, experimentation, curiosity and learning are secondary.


    We free our hands to reach all parts of the world and beyond, going into space,... To minimize professional training is to forget, or devalue the link that exists between brain development, of us as people, and practice in and with knowledge.


      I dedicate my professional life believing in these premises that vocational education is a vector of life changes in Portugal, because we carry who we are, what we do and how, as well as the way we are wherever we go.


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